A new year but not new beginnings, yet

It’s the first of January 2024 so let me start by wishing you the happiest of New Year’s. I truly hope that these next twelve months bring you oodles of magic, happiness, and, of course, personal growth. However, whilst it may be the official start of the calendar year, it’s not quite time for those new beginnings just yet.

Taking our lead from the Earth, we are still very much in the wonderfully dark embrace of winter. Those of us who live in rhythm with the Earth find the proclamations that a “New Year = a New You/New Start” to be, well, a little premature. The energy at this time is one of hibernation and deep introspection. The light itself is only just (slowly) beginning to return. Nature is in no rush, so why should we be?

In the Celtic tradition, the celebration of Imbolc (1st February) is traditionally the time for new beginnings. This is when the seeds that we have intentionally sown and nurtured throughout the dark months begin to break through and seek the light that is required to bring them to fruition. The halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox, Imbolc is the time for new beginnings, not today.

Rushing is actually a form of resistance…

In a world that values productivity and views burn out as a status symbol, I urge you to take the the time to languish in the beautiful fecund energy that this time of year provides. Your intentions aren’t going anywhere. Neither are your hopes or your dreams. Rushing is actually a form of resistance: we’re resisting what is happening right here, right now. And if we’re not here, right in this very moment then we are missing life as it unfolds all around us.

Enjoy the resting phase.

“We are always getting ready to live but never living.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Seeking Glimmers


What is embodiment, anyway?