Be seen & heard.

Somatic coaching

At the heart of every human being is an innate desire to be seen, heard, and truly accepted for who they are. Sometimes we just need someone to witness us wherever we’re at in our lives, and at other times we need a little guidance along the way.

In Somatic Coaching we work with the body/mind as the vehicle for unlocking all of the insight that you are seeking. The body holds the entire sum of all our experiences and is the key in revealing all of the ‘whys’ behind our behaviour patterns; why we do the things the way we do and how we show up in the world. 

We will work together using western psychological methods such as Polyvagal Theory, Attachment Theory, and Narrative Therapy, alongside eastern philosophies such as Yoga and Tantra. Our first step will be to establish safety and regulation in your system as without these fundamentals, nothing effective and long-lasting can be achieved. Each session is client led and will perhaps be different every time. I use many different modalities from simply talking to journalling, art and self-expression, as well as movement, meditation, and breath work. You always have complete autonomy over every session and my job is to meet you where you’re at.

These sessions take place either on Zoom or in my cabin in Nether Stowey, and can be as frequent or as ad hoc as you like. Please use the button below to arrange a 30 minute complimentary consultation via Zoom, or to book a session. 

“To be truly seen and heard, to be truly known, is a deep human need. Our hunger for it is so omnipresent, so much a part of our experience of life, that we no more know what it is we are missing than a fish knows it is wet.”

~ Charles Eisenstein